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3rd ASGO Workshop
Date : 2014-08-23 ㅣ By : ASGO
3rd ASGO Workshop
Date : 23-24 August, 2014
Venue : Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea

Biswajit Dash, A.H.Regional Cancer Centre, India
It was my pleasure and privilege to be a participant of 3rd ASGO Workshop organized at Asan Medical Centre, Seoul, Korea on 23rd and 24th August 2014.
I hereby submit my brief participation report.
At first, I wholeheartedly thank Prof. Nam and the entire organizing team of ASGO in their endeavor in promoting and encouraging young Asian doctors to participate in the mega event...
Mariam Anjum Ifthikar, Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, India

I was honored to receive the invitation from ASGO Team and attend the 3rd ASGO Workshop held at Asan Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea held on August 23 and 24, 2014.
I have no words to express my gratitude for making my trip memorable as possible and the workshop was a grand success...
Aditi Shinde, Tata Medical Center, India
The 3rd ASGO workshop organised in Seoul, was a resounding success. It was a two day workshop on 23rd - 24th August at the Asan Medical Center, Seoul. From the hospitality , venue organisation to the stay arrangements, everything was overseen in minute detail. I was impressed by the scientific enquiry and operative expertise of the surgeons who presented their work. Minimally invasive techniques, robotics, fertility preservation and prevention of gynaecological cancer were the key topics of discussion...
Abhilasha Narayan, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, India
I, Dr Abhilasha Narayan, am very pleased to write up this column regarding my experience at the 3rd ASGO workshop held at Asan Medical Centre, Seoul, Korea. At first, my heartful thanks to the ASGO council for giving me adequate support for attending this workshop. It was a great gesture and a great thought put to action from the ASGO council to promote young asian doctors and improve the Gynaec cancer care in respective Asian countries...
Andi Friadi, Andalas University, Indonesia
First of all, I like to express my deepest gratitude to 3rd ASGO Workshop committee that has invited me in this event. This workshop very useful for me and give me new insight and information in the field of gynecologic oncology...
Aye Thida Kyaw, Thingangyun Sanpya General Hospital, Myanmar
Firstly, let me thanks to all of the responsible persons from ASGO. I'm sure that I can't participate to 3rd ASGO workshop without the ASGO supporting. Thus, I've no words to express my gratitude for invitation...
Atit Poudel, Paropakar Maternity and Women's Hospital, Nepal
I am very happy to have attended the 3rd ASGO workshop held at the Asan Medical Center, Seoul as a young doctor on 22nd and 23rd August, 2014. I would like to thank the organizing committee for being supportive starting from the preparation for the workshop, travel, and stay there. The support that you provided for the travel, registration and the stay is highly appreciated...
Eliza Shrestha, Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital, Nepal
I had a unique opportunity of undertaking the 3rd ASGO Workshop in Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea from August 23 to 24, 2014. In two days workshop lectures given by different doctors were every interesting...
Jimmy Billod, University of the Philippines Manila-Philippine General Hospital, Philippine

First and foremost, I would like to extend my gratitude to the Officers of ASGO for this opportunity to attend such event outside my Country. It was a very successful happening indeed...
Mikaela Erlinda Martinez, University of the Philippines Manila-Philippine General Hospital, Philippine

It was truly a privilege to be part of the Young Doctors of the Third Workshop of the Asian Society of Gynecologic Oncology last August 23-24, 2014. ASGO gave me the opportunity to further enrich my knowledge in the field of Gynecologic Oncology...
Dugarsuren Yanjiv, National Cancer Center, Mongolia
First of all, I would like to thank organizers for giving opportunity young doctors like us participating ASGO workshop.
This workshop could give me not only new knowledge, new experience but also a lot of latest news. In other words, I would like to mention that it was very useful and worthwhile...