
Article 1. Name, Location and Representation

Section 1.1 : Name
  • The name of the society is the ASIAN SOCIETY OF GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY, hereinafter referred to as either "ASGO" or "The Society."
Section 1.2 : Address
  • The Society's office shall be determined by the Council of The Society. Normally this will be collocated with the area of residence of the President. The Society may also have offices at other places as determined by Council.
Section 1.3 : Language
  • English shall be the official language of The Society and shall be used for all Society purposes.
Section 1.4 : Composition and Representation
  • The ASGO consists of individual members with a major professional interest, either as a clinician or as a scientist, in the prevention, treatment and study of gynecologic cancer. To achieve its goals and achievements, The Society will concentrate on Asian countries.

Article 2. Objects and Activities

Section 2.1 : Purpose
  • ASGO intends to contribute to the development of gynecologic cancer science through research and exchange of information in the medical science and friendship among members.
Section 2.2 : Activities
  • ASGO shall carry out following activities to achieve the purposes mentioned in Section 2.1.
  • 1. Holding domestic/international scientific meetings and unofficial academic meetings.
    2. Issuing official scholastic journals and books.
    3. Carrying out research and providing guide concerning gynecologic cancer science.
    4. Taking care of international relationship of ASGO in the science.
    5. Managing homepage of ASGO.
    6. Other activities which are deemed to be necessary by ASGO.

Article 3. Membership

Section 3.1 : Members
  • ASGO shall be joined by individuals or organizations that subscribe to the purpose of ASGO, and shall be comprised of regular member, associate member, special member and honorary member.
  • 1. Regular member : who is a medical specialist or a holder of doctorate in gynecologic cancer, and subscribes to the purpose of ASGO. They will enjoy all rights and privileges of The Society as defined by the Bylaws. Regular Membership is contingent upon timely payment of annual dues.
    2. Associate member : who intends to contribute to the gynecologic cancer science among gynecologist, gynecologic oncologist, medical oncologist, radiation oncologist, pathologist, fellow in training, nurse, physician assistant, data manager, or other clinical specialist or basic scientist having a major interest in the prevention, treatment or study of gynecologic cancer and pays the required membership due.
    3. Special member : who is acknowledged to be able to significantly contribute to the development of ASGO, and subscribes to the purpose of ASGO among individuals, incorporations, companies or organizations, and makes monetary contribution of required amount. This member is exempt from the registration fee.
    4. Honorary member : who is retired from gynecologic cancer and related medical sciences after reaching mandatory retirement age in the nation or overseas. This member is exempt from the all membership fees for the rest of the member's life by approval of the board of Council.

Article 4. Membership dues

Section 4.1 : Annual Dues
  • Annual dues for all categories of membership shall be recommended by Council. Payment of annual dues entitles the Regular Member to vote, hold office, and receive an annual subscription of The Journal, The Society newsletter and other benefits of membership.
Section 4.2 : Payment of Dues
  • Annual dues are to be paid at the beginning of each calendar year in accordance with established Policy and Procedures of The Society.
Section 4.3 : Termination of membership
  • Membership in The Society may be terminated for nonpayment of dues in accordance with established Policy and Procedures of The Society. Non-payment is defined as greater than 24 months in arrears. Council may terminate any member who does not comply with The Society's policy and Procedures of the Society established by the bylaws.
Section 4.4 : Rights
  • Regular members who have abided by their duties shall have the rights to propose, decide at the Board of Council and Committees, and elect and be elected to Council Members as defined by the bylaws. The other members shall have the right to make proposal at the Board of Council and Committees, but not for decide, elect, and be elected to Council Members.
Section 4.5 : Secession
  • Any member can secede from ASGO on his/her own will, if the member decides to withdraw for an important reason, by submission of notice of secession.

Article 5. Meeting

Section 5.1 : Annual Meeting
  • The Society shall meet annually, in a combined business and scientific session. The Annual Meeting site shall be determined as native of the President of Local Organizing Committee six (6) years prior to the meeting and the date shall be set by the Council in consultation with the local organizing committee. The President of The Society shall appoint the President of Local Organizing Committee who is approved by the representative Society of Gynecologic Oncology of the country in which the Annual Meeting is going to be held. The term of the President of Local Organizing Committee shall be two (2) years in accordance with the Annual Meeting.
Section 5.2 : Special meeting
  • Special meetings of the entire membership may be called at any time by either the President of The Society or the board of council.

Article 6. Board of Executive and Council

Section 6.1 : Board of Executive
  • ASGO shall appoint the following Board of Executive Members. Board of Executive discuss the agenda of Council meeting.
  • 1. President of The Society : 1 person.
    2. Immediate Past President of The Society : 1 person.
    3. Vice-President of The Society : 1 person.
    4. President-Elect of The Society : 1 person.
    5. Secretary-General : 1 person.
    6. Treasurer : 1 person.
    7. Editor of Journal of Gynecologic Oncology : 1 person.

Section 6.2 : Board of Council
  • ASGO shall appoint the following Council Members.
  • Members of Council shall consist of three(3) members from Republic of Korea, three(3) members from Japan, two(2) members from China and eight(8) members, one person from each eight other Asian countries(Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand). The Board of Executive members shall attend the Council meeting. Members of this Council always become the member of the Board of Council. 
Section 6.3 : Agenda of the Board of Council
  • After discussing the agenda at the executive board, the Board of Council shall discuss and resolve the following agenda.
  • 1. Convocation of the meetings of the members.
    2. Resolution on admission of special and honorary members.
    3. Resolution on dismissal of regular members.
    4. The other import issues.

  • Agenda of the board of Council shall be decided by the attendance of more than half of the total number of Council members and approval of the majority of the present Council members
Section 6.4 : Election of Council Members

    1. New council members shall be recommended by the Nominating Committee and endorsed by approval of the Board of Council.
    2. President shall be chosen among members of the Society who's nationality is one of the initiating countries (Republic of Korea and Japan) of the Society until year 2020.
    3. Starting from 2020, the position of President shall be open to the Councils of all Asian countries. The President shall be recommended by the Nominating Committee, which shall consist of past presidents, and be elected by the approval of the Board of Council.
    4. Secretary General and Treasurer shall be recommended by the Nominating Committee, which shall consist of past presidents, and endorsed by approval of the Board of Council.

Section 6.5 : Duties and Tenures of Council Members

    1. The President presides over the board of Council, and the terms of the President lasts for two (2) years.
    2. The term of a council member lasts for two years, re-nomination is permitted, but only until the official retirement age of 65. (Except for the President, President-Elect, and Immediate Past President)
    3. The tenure of Council members, who are appointed as substitutes for vacancies shall be the rest of the remaining tenure of the former Council members.
    4. Secretary General takes charge of the general affairs of ASGO and the tenure lasts for 2 years. He/She supervises and makes plans on activities of ASGO, and reports to President and the Board of Council 
    5. Treasurer takes charge of the mid-to-long term financial schedules and the tenure lasts for 2 years. He/She supervises and makes plans on financial activities of ASGO, and reports to President and the Board of Council.

Article 7. Committees

Section 7.1 : Committees
  • The standing committees of The Society include Nominating, Local Organizing, Scientific Program, and Finance committees. President of The Society with the approval of council may convene adhoc or special committees. (e.g. Bylaws, Membership, Education, Guidelines and Informatics).
Section 7.2 : Standing Committees
  • The Nominating Committee is composed of former presidents of the society, and the role of the committee is to recommend new Council members, President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary General and Treasurer candidates to the Board of council.

Article 8. Finance and Accounting

Section 8.1 : Finance
  • Expenses of this society shall be appropriated by admission fee, membership fee, contribution and other dues.
Section 8.2 : Fiscal Year
  • The fiscal year of this society lasts for 1 year beginning from the date of the general assembly.

Article 9. Amendments to the Bylaws

The Bylaws of the Society may be amended according to the following procedure:

Section 9.1
  • Any proposal for amendment to the bylaws must be submitted to the Board of Council at least 3 months before it meets. In no case shall the bylaws be amended unless the amendment was adopted by two-third of the Board of Council.

Article 10. Dissolution

Dissolution shall be proposed, processed and voted upon in the same manner as stipulated in these Bylaws for Amendments.


Things not stipulated in this bylaws shall be determined on a basis of common practice.
Last updated at August 2018.

Article 1. Name, Location and Representation

Section 1.1 : Name
  • The name of the society is the ASIAN SOCIETY OF GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY, hereinafter referred to as either "ASGO" or "The Society."
Section 1.2 : Address
  • The Society's office shall be determined by the Council of The Society. Normally this will be collocated with the area of residence of the President. The Society may also have offices at other places as determined by Council.
Section 1.3 : Language
  • English shall be the official language of The Society and shall be used for all Society purposes.
Section 1.4 : Composition and Representation
  • The ASGO consists of individual members with a major professional interest, either as a clinician or as a scientist, in the prevention, treatment and study of gynecologic cancer. To achieve its goals and achievements, The Society will concentrate on Asian countries.

Article 2. Objects and Activities

Section 2.1 : Purpose
  • ASGO intends to contribute to the development of gynecologic cancer science through research and exchange of information in the medical science and friendship among members.
Section 2.2 : Activities
  • ASGO shall carry out following activities to achieve the purposes mentioned in Section 2.1.
  • 1. Holding domestic/international scientific meetings and unofficial academic meetings.
    2. Issuing official scholastic journals and books.
    3. Carrying out research and providing guide concerning gynecologic cancer science.
    4. Taking care of international relationship of ASGO in the science.
    5. Managing homepage of ASGO.
    6. Other activities which are deemed to be necessary by ASGO.

Article 3. Membership

Section 3.1 : Members
  • ASGO shall be joined by individuals or organizations that subscribe to the purpose of ASGO, and shall be comprised of regular member, associate member, special member and honorary member.
  • 1. Regular member : who is a medical specialist or a holder of doctorate in gynecologic cancer, and subscribes to the purpose of ASGO. They will enjoy all rights and privileges of The Society as defined by the Bylaws. Regular Membership is contingent upon timely payment of annual dues.
    2. Associate member : who intends to contribute to the gynecologic cancer science among gynecologist, gynecologic oncologist, medical oncologist, radiation oncologist, pathologist, fellow in training, nurse, physician assistant, data manager, or other clinical specialist or basic scientist having a major interest in the prevention, treatment or study of gynecologic cancer and pays the required membership due.
    3. Special member : who is acknowledged to be able to significantly contribute to the development of ASGO, and subscribes to the purpose of ASGO among individuals, incorporations, companies or organizations, and makes monetary contribution of required amount. This member is exempt from the registration fee.
    4. Honorary member : who is retired from gynecologic cancer and related medical sciences after reaching mandatory retirement age in the nation or overseas. This member is exempt from the all membership fees for the rest of the member's life by approval of the board of Council.

Article 4. Membership dues

Section 4.1 : Annual Dues
  • Annual dues for all categories of membership shall be recommended by Council. Payment of annual dues entitles the Regular Member to vote, hold office, and receive an annual subscription of The Journal, The Society newsletter and other benefits of membership.
Section 4.2 : Payment of Dues
  • Annual dues are to be paid at the beginning of each calendar year in accordance with established Policy and Procedures of The Society.
Section 4.3 : Termination of membership
  • Membership in The Society may be terminated for nonpayment of dues in accordance with established Policy and Procedures of The Society. Non-payment is defined as greater than 24 months in arrears. Council may terminate any member who does not comply with The Society's policy and Procedures of the Society established by the bylaws.
Section 4.4 : Rights
  • Regular members who have abided by their duties shall have the rights to propose, decide at the Board of Council and Committees, and elect and be elected to Council Members as defined by the bylaws. The other members shall have the right to make proposal at the Board of Council and Committees, but not for decide, elect, and be elected to Council Members.
Section 4.5 : Secession
  • Any member can secede from ASGO on his/her own will, if the member decides to withdraw for an important reason, by submission of notice of secession.

Article 5. Meeting of the Membership

Section 5.1 : Annual Meeting
  • The Society shall meet annually, in a combined business and scientific session. The Annual Meeting site shall be determined as native of the President of Local Organizing Committee six (6) years prior to the meeting and the date shall be set by the Council in consultation with the local organizing committee. The President of The Society shall appoint the President of Local Organizing Committee who is approved by the representative Society of Gynecologic Oncology of the country in which the Annual Meeting is going to be held. The term of the President of Local Organizing Committee shall be two (2) years in accordance with the Annual Meeting.
Section 5.2 : Special meeting
  • Special meetings of the entire membership may be called at any time by either the President of The Society or the board of council.

Article 6. Board of Executive and Council

Section 6.1 : Board of Executive
  • ASGO shall appoint the following Board of Executive Members. Board of Executive discuss the agenda of Council meeting.
  • 1. President of The Society : 1 person.
    2. Immediate Past President of The Society : 1 person.
    3. Vice-President of The Society : 1 person.
    4. President-Elect of The Society : 1 person.
    5. Secretary-General : 1 person.
    6. Treasurer : 1 person.
    7. Editor of Journal of Gynecologic Oncology : 1 person.

Section 6.2 : Board of Council
  • ASGO shall appoint the following Council Members.
  • Members of Council shall consist of three(3) members from Republic of Korea, three(3) members from Japan, two(2) members from China and eight(8) members, one person from each eight other Asian countries(Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand). The Board of Executive members shall attend the Council meeting. Members of this Council always become the member of the Board of Council. 
Section 6.3 : Agenda of the Board of Council
  • After discussing the agenda at the executive board, the Board of Council shall discuss and resolve the following agenda.
  • 1. Convocation of the meetings of the members.
    2. Resolution on admission of special and honorary members.
    3. Resolution on dismissal of regular members.
    4. The other import issues.

  • Agenda of the board of Council shall be decided by the attendance of more than half of the total number of Council members and approval of the majority of the present Council members
Section 6.4 : Election of Council Members

    1. New council members shall be recommended by the Nominating Committee and endorsed by approval of the Board of Council.
    2. President shall be chosen among members of the Society who's nationality is one of the initiating countries (Republic of Korea and Japan) of the Society until year 2020.
    3. Starting from 2020, the position of President shall be open to the Councils of all Asian countries. The President shall be recommended by the Nominating Committee, which shall consist of past presidents, and be elected by the approval of the Board of Council.
    4. Secretary General and Treasurer shall be recommended by the Nominating Committee, which shall consist of past presidents, and endorsed by approval of the Board of Council.

Section 6.5 : Duties and Tenures of Council Members

    1. The President presides over the board of Council, and the terms of the President lasts for two (2) years.
    2. The term of a council member lasts for two years, re-nomination is permitted, but only until the official retirement age of 65. (Except for the President, President-Elect, and Immediate Past President)
    3. The tenure of Council members, who are appointed as substitutes for vacancies shall be the rest of the remaining tenure of the former Council members.
    4. Secretary General takes charge of the general affairs of ASGO and the tenure lasts for 2 years. He/She supervises and makes plans on activities of ASGO, and reports to President and the Board of Council 
    5. Treasurer takes charge of the mid-to-long term financial schedules and the tenure lasts for 2 years. He/She supervises and makes plans on financial activities of ASGO, and reports to President and the Board of Council.

Article 7. Committees

Section 7.1 : Committees
  • The standing committees of The Society include Nominating, Local Organizing, Scientific Program, and Finance committees. President of The Society with the approval of council may convene adhoc or special committees. (e.g. Bylaws, Membership, Education, Guidelines and Informatics).
Section 7.2 : Standing Committees
  • The Nominating Committee is composed of former presidents of the society, and the role of the committee is to recommend new Council members, President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary General and Treasurer candidates to the Board of council.

Article 8. Finance and Accounting

Section 8.1 : Finance
  • Expenses of this society shall be appropriated by admission fee, membership fee, contribution and other dues.
Section 8.2 : Fiscal Year
  • The fiscal year of this society lasts for 1 year beginning from the date of the general assembly.

Article 9. Amendments to the Bylaws

The Bylaws of the Society may be amended according to the following procedure:

Section 9.1
  • Any proposal for amendment to the bylaws must be submitted to the Board of Council at least 3 months before it meets. In no case shall the bylaws be amended unless the amendment was adopted by two-third of the Board of Council.

Article 10. Dissolution

Dissolution shall be proposed, processed and voted upon in the same manner as stipulated in these Bylaws for Amendments.


Things not stipulated in this bylaws shall be determined on a basis of common practice.

* Last updated at August 2018.